Top 10 Recommendations For A Healthy Brain By Neuroscientists


The brain is one of the most important parts of the human body, helping one to breathe, move, and explore the world around them. Even so, we don’t always treat it with the same care we do the rest of our bodies. Life expectancy has increased as a result of medical advancements, resulting in a growing population of elderly people. Because of this, it’s more important than ever to maintain a high level of brain health as one age to avoid the onset of neurological problems. After extensive study and experimental proof of their validity, neuroscientists and medical professionals advocate the following strategies.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Restorative sleep is crucial to maintaining a healthy brain. Research shows that sleep influences memory consolidation and learning, but there is still much to understand about sleep’s significance. While the precise relationship between sleep, memory, and learning remains unknown, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that sleep does have a role in influencing these two processes. During sleep, brain activity continuously fluctuates in frequency and amplitude, resulting in different stages of sleep, primarily rapid eye movement (REM), non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and wake. The brain’s signal frequency reduces when it enters deeper phases of sleep, which aids with memory consolidation. Therefore, experts advise a solid 6-7 hours of sleep each night instead of multiple shorter naps. There is also mounting evidence that sleep loss increases the likelihood of developing a variety of neurological disorders including, stroke, MS, AD, PD, epilepsy, and chronic headaches. Exposure to “blue” light, a short-wavelength form of the visible spectrum typically emitted by electronic devices like computers and mobile phones, has recently been shown to suppress and delay melatonin secretion, a hormonal signal of the biological night and a factor that “opens the sleep gate” to initiate the nocturnal sleep period, resulting in a reduction in drowsiness, lengthening of sleep initiation, and degradation of sleep quality. 

Healthy Diet

Individual dietary habits play a significant role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and the severity of dementia in older adults. The potential benefits of a Mediterranean-type diet (MeDi) have been the subject of many studies. This diet emphasizes eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals with olive oil as the primary fat source, eating a moderate amount of fish, drinking a moderate amount of wine with meals, and eating very little red meat or poultry. Reduced inflammation, enhanced cognitive function, and decreased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as well as reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, have all been associated with increased adherence to the MeDi. This diet includes polyphenols and antioxidants in addition to the MUFA and PUFA that have been associated with better cognition and a lower risk of AD. New research has demonstrated that a combination of the Mediterranean and Dash diets (the MIND diet) with adjustments based on the science of nutrition and the brain can slow cognitive decline with age. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, lean meats, fish, poultry, and olive oil were all staples in the MIND diet, along with a decreased intake of red meat, cheese, butter, fried meals, and sweets.


Numerous studies have shown that meditation is beneficial for mental health. Training your mind to meditate results in increased neuroplasticity and enhanced cognitive capabilities like enhanced attention, working memory, self-perception, and reduced anxiety and depression symptoms. How meditation leads to increased brain activity is still a little fuzzy, as many scientists have investigated the functioning and structure of the brains of experienced meditators and found varied results. However, they all agree that doing so increases one’s cognitive abilities, productivity, and balanced emotional state. 

Physical Activity

Daily participation in physical activities, such as sports, exercise, or dance has been linked to improved cognitive health and performance in people of all ages. Physical activity increases neuroplasticity, which aids the brain’s capacity for lifelong learning and adaptation. Because more oxygen-rich blood is being sent to the brain, mental performance improves as a result. White matter microstructure may be altered over time by PA, leading to enhanced regional connectivity. Numerous studies have found that regular exercise of any kind helps alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety. Furthermore, PA can lessen the likelihood of developing neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Healthy Heart

A healthy heart is crucial to maintaining optimal brain function. The importance of the heart in maintaining appropriate brain function is demonstrated by the fact that blood flow increases in any portion of the brain that is actively being used. The chance of acquiring neurodegenerative illnesses is raised by factors that reduce blood supply to the brain, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking, and diabetes. Atherosclerosis is a disorder characterized by the buildup of plaque in the arterial walls, making it harder for blood to flow through those arteries and nourish the brain’s cells. Ischemic stroke, which occurs when a clot blocks an artery and prevents blood from reaching part of the brain, is another potential outcome of this condition. That may result in short- or long-term brain damage.

Avoid Alcohol And Related Toxins

Alcohol and drug dependence have been linked to cognitive decline, including memory loss, and neurological diseases like dementia. Despite the fact that the effects of alcohol and other drugs can vary widely from person to person based on a wide range of circumstances, it has been shown that chronic alcohol and drug addiction can alter brain structure and function, having deleterious effects. 

Mental Stimulation

Maintaining mental acuity is also essential, so things like crossword puzzles, reading, writing, and musical instrument practice are all great ways to keep the brain active. Neurological plasticity, the formation of new, strong connections between neurons, and neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons, both improve as a result of engaging in these pursuits, leading to enhanced cognitive abilities. Learning a new language has been found to be intellectually challenging and rewarding, with benefits including enhanced memory, better visual and spatial skills, and higher creativity. Tai Chi Chuan is a relatively new kind of mind-body training that has captured the attention of both the general public and the scientific community. Tai Chi Chuan is said to help older people preserve their cognitive abilities since it incorporates physical, cognitive, and social elements. Practicing Tai Chi on a daily basis has been shown to promote mental health in a number of ways, including stress reduction, improved quality of sleep, and memory. Baduanjin is another well-known form of mind-body exercise, alongside Tai Chi Chuan. Baduanjin is a low-intensity exercise that helps increase flexibility, strength, and overall health. It comprises 10 postures (including the starting and finishing postures). Like Tai Chi Chuan, Baduanjin is a holistic practice that addresses a person’s mental, emotional, spiritual, and behavioral health all at once.

Positive Mental Health

Just as it’s necessary to put nutritious food in your body, so too is it to fill your mind with good things. The hippocampus is one area of the brain that can experience a loss in gray matter volume as a result of chronic stress and depression, which can have negative effects on learning and memory. Thus, in order to protect your brain from stress, it is crucial that you maintain your emotional and mental health. One way that can be accomplished is through social involvement. Communication with others, both verbal and nonverbal, uses a variety of brain regions, making it essential for emotional and cognitive development. As a person matures, their brain and behavior are thought to change and adapt in response to their experiences and interactions with others. Negative effects on brain function have also been linked to social exclusion or isolation. Strong social bonds have been linked in studies to a decreased chance of developing dementia and an increased lifespan.

Avoid Multitasking

As a result of our constant exposure to cutting-edge technology, multitasking has become second nature to most of us, especially the younger generations. Humans’ insufficient cognitive architecture makes it difficult for them to pay attention to a number of different things at once. Multitasking has been linked to a decline in both short-term memory and performance accuracy. Researchers have found that juggling many things at once has a negative impact on brain activity compared to focusing on one at a time. In reality, most of the time we are simply going back and forth between the tasks, which uses up mental resources. So, be wary of the potential cost next time you try to multitask by listening to music or browsing Facebook while focusing on your work or studies.

Break The Loop

Tasks that we perform in the same way on a daily basis eventually turn into habits. There is a distinct region of the brain that is involved in carrying out a habitual task and another that is involved in learning a novel action. Repetitive tasks require less mental effort to learn than novel ones. For the same reason, there isn’t much conscious effort required when performing certain routine tasks. To keep the brain active and in a learning state, experts advise taking on new challenges or altering habits periodically. It could be anything as simple as a new commute or as involved as mastering a new skill. 

What are the measures you have taken to take care of your brain? Let us know in the comments section.

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